Our Services

Door to door international courier
Door to door air freight
Door to door sea freight
Door to door domestic service

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We have offices in Australia
Mainland China
and Hong Kong
to help you with any inquiry.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My shipment is from China, and it should be under the trade agreement, why I still need to pay GST/DUTY?

A: If your supplier can provide the COO, DUTY may be exempted under the CHAFTA agreement. However, GST applied anyway even the COO provided. GST is not related to the China-Australia Free Trading Agreement.

Q: How much GST do I need to pay?

A: Based on the import tariff rate for your goods, it will be calculated and charged by Australian Customs. For GST Calculation, it could be found in the below link. https://www.ato.gov.au/Business/GST/In-detail/Rules-for-specific-transactions/International-transactions/GST-and-imported-goods/

Q:Shipment has been arranged as door to door service, should I still arrange Customs related payment to have my shipment released for delivery?tion 3

A: Receiver or importer in destination should be paying these Customs fees if goods declared value is over $1000AUD threshold in most cases, however, if your shipper agrees to arrange as DDP terms, then they will cover these cost for you. Please refer to your shipper for confirmation.